

前天,《纽约时报杂志》发表由其执行总编Bill Keller撰写的文章《战地摄影师的内心世界》(“The Inner Lives of War Photographers,” ),是其在医院探访这位摄影师之后所撰写的报道,时报的博客Lens也全文发表了双方的访谈对话,其中还有这位受伤摄影师的朋友 Greg Marinovich参与。

Joao Silva在医院接受治疗, April 6, 2011  Michael Kamber摄影

仔细看了一下这篇文章,我大惊失色,原来医院里的这两个人不是别人—— Greg Marinovich和 Joao Silva——他们都是砰砰俱乐部(the Bang Bang Club)的成员,如果你对砰砰俱乐部不熟悉,可以去看刚刚公映的《砰砰俱乐部》这部电影,描述的就是这个南非战地摄影师小团队的生活,电影改编自《 砰砰俱乐部,来自一场被隐匿的战争的快照》( The Bang Bang Club: Snapshots from a Hidden War )这本书,书的作者就是上面这两位摄影师。

1994年南非,Kevin Carter,Joao Silva在摄影师Abdul Shariff死于约堡阿尔伯顿区冲突之后的合影

砰砰俱乐部的故事是任何一个电影编辑都无法想象和描绘的,活跃在上个世纪九十年代,在战场上出生入死的几个年轻人,一位死于冲突(Ken Oosterbroek,1994年),一位自杀(Kevin Carter,1994年),Greg Marinovich也在1994年夺去Ken生命的冲突中胸部中弹,后来死里逃生从此之后退出了危险的战地报道,只有Joao Silva一直在工作,现在他却躺在医院里,失去了双腿。

Greg Marinovich胸部中弹躺在地上,Joao拍摄了这张照片

我犹豫着是否应该写这篇文章,最近似乎写战争灾难这样的话题太多了,我担心它们会让原本就已经很灰暗的生活更加灰暗,我随即发现自己的心态实在幼稚,这种无用的哀怨和逃避的脸色恐怕不会出现在战地摄影师身上,比如,你想一想James Nachtwey的样子,冷静,甚至冷酷。







“那假如这事儿没发生,假如你人就在那个位置,你会回到战场去 ?”Greg继续追问他的朋友。










Lens的全文访谈值得一看,尤其是里面的砰砰俱乐部的老照片,在最后一张照片里,几位摄影师抬着自杀的 Kevin Carter的棺木。其中Greg穿着一件开衫毛衣,表情若有所思,而Joao则披着一件很嬉皮的皮夹克,仍然带着几分玩世不恭的神情。这张照片似乎预示了他们不久之后的未来。

Comments (4) Write a comment

  1. 这让我想起06年,刚开始做摄影的时候,狂看摄影类的书。某天读shooting under the fire,感触良深,写了日记,摘抄了书里的文字:

    “我不确定我是否喜欢Patrick Chauvel。他的摄影也不像Nachtway的那样吸引

    Unrequited Love
    On one of my trips to Chechnya, I stayed for two weeks in the same house as this beautiful American woman photographer. Did you see the film Out of Africa,when Robert Redford washes Meryl Streep’s hair in the bush, and just after that they have dinner under the stars and she puts her hand on his shoulder, strokes his head, and they make love? Well, this photographer had long red hair, and she had gotten so much stuff in it that I said, “Do you want me to wash your hair?”

    She was a bit surprised by my offer, but she said okay; I think she was amused.

    So I took this water jug and washed her hair. Then we had dinner, which meant we had a little bit of cheese and crackers. And then, well – I don’t think she saw the film. She probably still wonders why I washed her hair. I suppose I should send her the tape.

    很喜欢战地摄影记者Christopher Morris的图片和文字。他的图片里饱含真挚
    的情感,他的文字很诚实,很细腻。他诚实到了勇敢的地步。他有一段文字,名为”What’s the Point of It?”真的让我和感动,忍不住想把它抄下来:

    I think you have to be very selfish to be a combat photographer – selfish with your parents, selfish with anybody in your life. And I think that for those of us who do it – and my friends will probably hate me for saying this – probably 70 percent of it is for ourselves. We can talk about being antiwar and all that, but it’s more for us than for society.

    I know photographers working today who continue simply because when they get back to their regular lives, they can’t cope with the normality of existence. They’re always looking for the next dangerous assignment because, honestly, it’s an escape. You don’t have to worry about taxes; you don’t have to worry about
    mortgates and rents. The only things you have to worry about are our survival and taking pictures. You foget everything about the modern world. When you fly back into the real world, you feel separate from everything else. It’s very hard to connect back into society because those people just don’t undertand what you’ve
    seen, what you’ve been through. During the whole Yugoslav conflict, I would do three or four weeks there, come home for a week, then leave again; do three or four weeks, come back for a week, then leave again. Every time I left Yugoslavia, I said I wasn’t returning. But I would last five or six days at home, and then be on a plane going back.

    If there’s a point to this work, apart form what we get out of it personally, it’s the importance of producing a historic document. Future generations will value the work of the selfish photographer who went out risked his life, and captured these historic moments. (Shooting Under Fire 2002: 171)”


    • 我也很喜欢一些摄影师的文字,和他们拍照一样,都是眼睛里看到的,脑子里就那么自然冒出来的,叙事多于抒情,真挚简单。


  2. 脑子里突然冒出来不知道谁的quote,大意是 It’s far easier to pretend to be an adventure seeker than to show your own compassion。。。


  3. Pingback: 有哪些知名的战地摄影师? | 数码beta

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