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  1. 吕楠的《四季——西藏农民的日常生活》,看了几张,看着看着有种想哭的感觉


  2. 谢谢老师的介绍!去年我就在互联网查过有关吕楠的消息.能找到的图片和文字都不多,今天能看到了那么多好的图片和文字!太好了~~~


  3. 摄影师和马格南之间存在三种关联,第一:受到推荐,第二,成为准会员,为马格南图片社供稿,第三,成为正式会员,是马格南的主人,分享马格南的股权                                     这段话好像不太准确
    谁都可以申请加入马割南不需要受到推荐 每年你把你的作品交上 6月底的最后一周投票决定见习会员也就是Nominee Member 然后再从Nominee Member中选成为正式会员


  4. 谢谢封神,我还是把英文贴在这里,翻译总是容易出问题,呵呵。
    a magunm photographer usually is first a nominee,then an associate member,and flnally a full member.A nominee is elected to work under the guidance of a member phogorapher during an initial test period.after that period,which generally lasts one or more years, the nomee may be elected an associate member. An associate member works full-time througu Magnum but does not hold stock.After a year or more as an associate,the photographer may be elected to full member status.


  5. 我也贴上英文的出处是马割男的网页

    Magnum Photos is a co-operative owned and run by its member photographers. The photographers meet once a year, during the last weekend in June, in New York, Paris or London, to discuss Magnum’s affairs. One day at this meeting is set aside for considering and voting on potential new members’ portfolios. Successful applicants will be invited to become a ‘Nominee Member’ of Magnum, a category of membership which presents an opportunity for Magnum and the individual to get to know each other, but where there are no binding commitments on either side. In each of the last 5 years, between zero and four new nominees have been selected from among the many portfolios presented.

    After two years of Nominee membership, photographers then present another portfolio if they wish to apply for ‘Associate Membership’. If successful, the photographer then becomes bound by all the rules of the agency, and enjoys all the facilities of its offices and worldwide representation. The only difference between an Associate Member and a full Member is that an Associate Member is not a Director of the Company and does not have voting rights in its corporate decision making. Finally, after another two years, an Associate member wishing to apply for full membership presents a further portfolio of work for consideration by the members. Once elected as a full member, this effectively confers membership of Magnum for life or for as long as the photographer chooses. No member photographer of Magnum has ever been asked to leave.


  6. 吕楠的《四季——西藏农民的日常生活》,看了,拍摄方法很传统,作品有点象古典主义油画。让人很伤感的是,一个摄影师花了接近10年去做这个专题。这是个理想,我常想一个摄影者一生才能拍摄多少年。


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