《时代》荐书 (上)


前两天接到一位朋友的来信,他说手工书工作坊结束之后,才真正理解什么是摄影书。这使得我也很想追溯,是从什么时候开始,我头脑里的那些“照片合集/摄影画册” 被一个逐渐清晰的“摄影书”概念所替代的呢?


时代的大书单,开篇就引用了摄影史研究者Ralph Prins的一句话对摄影书予以描述:


“A photobook is an autonomous art form, comparable with a piece of sculpture, a play, or a film. The photographs lose their own photographic character as things ‘in themselves’ and become parts, translated into printing ink, of a dramatic event called a book.”
—Ralph Prins, photo historian




The Pigs by Carlos Spottorno, published by RM Verlag & Phree, selected by Olivier Laurent, deputy editor, British Journal of Photography.

Hier by Jitka Hanzlova, published by Koenig, selected by Michael Mack, founder of MACK books and MAPP digital editions.

She Dances on Jackson by Vanessa Winship published by MACK, selected by Jörg M. Colberg, writer, photographer, and teacher.

Emmet Gowin by Emmet Gowin, published by Aperture, selected by Phil Bicker, senior photo editor, TIME.

Holy Bible by Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin, published by MACK, selected by Roxana Morcoci, senior curator in the Department of Photography, Museum of Modern Art.

Dark Knees by Mark Cohen, published by Le Bal/EXB (Paris), selected by Chris Boot, executive director, Aperture Foundation.

The Photography of Nature & The Nature of Photography by Joan Fontcuberta, published by MACK, selected by Elisa Medde, managing editor, Foam Magazine.

Traces by Ana Mendieta, published by Hayward Publishing, selected by Anne-Celine Jaeger

Excerpts from Silver Meadows by Todd Hido, published by Nazraeli Press, selected by Darius Himes, director of Fraenkel Gallery and co-founder of Radius Books.

State by Paolo Woods, published by Éditions Photosynthèses, selected by Fred Ritchin, author of Bending the Frame and professor of Photography and Imaging at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts.

Fire Island Pines: Polaroids 1975-1983 by Tom Bianchi, published by Damiani, selected by Vince Aletti, photography critic, The New Yorker

Control Order House by Edmund Clark, published by Here Press, selected by Aron Mörel, publisher, Mörel Books.

Imitation of Christ by William E. Jones, published by MACK, selected by Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin, artists and bookmakers.

Ezekiel 36:36 by Nick Ballon, published by LAB Project, selected by Michael Itkoff, co-founder of Daylight Books.

Hesitating Beauty by Joshua Lutz, published by Schilt Publishing, selected by Susan Bright, writer and curator of photography, author of Home Truths: Photography and Motherhood.


Comments (5) Write a comment

  1. 偶有其中15本書.但有想過現在要買齊這名單要花多少錢? 攝影人不讀書是有道理的.因為不是人人買得起所有攝影書籍.也不是人人可以摸得到這些攝影書籍.
    勸人買攝影書籍是不道德的.當然推薦書單的人.也不是看過所有年度所發行下來的攝影集. 所以攝影書單就像是一種個人bias!



  2. 呵呵。。。这就是我们把自己手头的摄影书拿出来分享,做摄影书展的原因。以及如果国内有更多朋友能够真正理解摄影书,去做这样的书,大家就可以摸到更多的好书了。不是么?得一点点来。从我们做书展的结果来看,摄影人还是愿意并渴望去读这些书的。


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  4. 哈哈钟楼顶怪人,不是没道路啊。。。话说ofpix工作室要是办图书馆的话我第一个报名来做图书管理员!


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