

早上看到一段话,对William Eggleston所谓‘民主的视觉’的观点又有了新的认识,分享如下:

“有些人看照片時,除了欣賞這框框中心的物體之外,就無法更深入了。我很擔心,這種人比我想像的還要多。只要在這框框中心的物體前沒有任何干擾,他們不會管這物體周圍有些什麼。即便Winogrand和Friedlander的照片為我們上了一課,這些人還是不懂。他们之所以尊敬這些攝影家的作品,是因為有體面的大機構尊稱他們是重要的藝術家。但這些人想看的,不過是那張有個物體、或人物在框框中間的照片而已。這些人想要些顯而易見的。尤其是當有人不經意說溜嘴時,用了”快照”一詞,這種盲目更是明顯。無知可以用”快照”一詞掩飾。但這字眼從來沒有過任何意義。我就是在與這樣的顯而易見作戰。 ”

I am afraid that there are more people than I can imagine who can go no further than appreciating a picture that is a rectangle with an object in the middle of it, which they can identify. They don’t care what is around the object as long as nothing interferes with the object itself, right in the centre. Even after the lessons of Winogrand and Friedlander, they don’t get it. They respect their work because they are told by respectable institutions that they are important artists, but what they really want to see is a picture with a figure or an object in the middle of it. They want something obvious. The blindness is apparent when someone lets slip the word ‘snapshot’. Ignorance can always be covered by ‘snapshot’. The word has never had any meaning. I am at war with the obvious.”


–William Eggleston   From a conversation with Mark Holborn, Greenwood, Mississippi, Februar





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  1. 您好,這翻譯不是很恰當,我翻了下,希望沒會錯原意,尤其是倒數第二句 Ignorance:I am afraid that there are more people than I can imagine who can go no further than appreciating a picture that is a rectangle with an object in the middle of it, which they can identify. 有些人看照片時,除了欣賞這框框中心的物體之外,就無法更深入了。我很擔心,這種人比我想像的還要多。They don’t care what is around the object as long as nothing interferes with the object itself, right in the centre. 只要在這框框中心的物體前沒有任何干擾,他們不會管這物體周圍有些什麼。Even after the lessons of Winogrand and Friedlander, they don’t get it. 即便Winogrand和Friedlander的照片為我們上了一課,這些人還是不懂。They respect their work because they are told by respectable institutions that they are important artists, but what they really want to see is a picture with a figure or an object in the middle of it. 這些人之所以尊敬這些攝影家的作品,是因為有個體面的大機構,尊稱他們是重要的藝術家。但這些人想看的,不過是那張有個物體、或人物在框框中間的照片而已。They want something obvious. The blindness is apparent when someone lets slip the word ‘snapshot’. 這些人想要些顯而易見的。尤其是當有人不經意說溜嘴時,用了”快照”一詞,這種盲目更是明顯。Ignorance can always be covered by ‘snapshot’. The word has never had any meaning. I am at war with the obvious.”無知可以用”快照”一詞掩飾。但這字眼從來沒有過任何意義。我就是在與這樣的顯而易見作戰。


    • 呵呵,我又露怯了,当时也是拿不准,所以英文也放在那儿了。其实关于Winogrand和 Friedlander这儿还是比较严重的错误,依照您的改了。谢谢!


  2. 我觉得模棱两可的点是,提到的Winogrand和Friedlander都应该算街头摄影大师吧,所以这个snapshot在这里是指那些寻求显而易见的画面的人评论这两位的照片为snapshot吗?然后Eggleston认为这些人把那两位的街头摄影理解为快照是无知的表现?


    • 我的理解是,Eggleston對於一般人將兩大師作品簡單地稱為snapshot而不挖掘背後意義相當不以為然,但在原文並沒有直接説出此意。或許該將Ignorance改為Their ignoranace,整段文意就通了。但做為翻譯者,僅可能貼近文意,不能自己加入原文沒有的字句。至於用辭很裝,我倒沒這種用意。


      • 没觉得装,译得很棒:)我的理解是,一般人还是很尊敬两大师的,但依然没有改变自己的审美爱好。他想说的是他的照片不是SNAPSHOT,如果觉得那是,那都是因为无知呀。那也是对这个词的误解,其实这个词就不是那个意思。。。


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