
以下是街头摄影爱好者Eric Kim从摄影师Alex Webb和Martin Parr的作品和言谈中总结出的街头摄影拍摄经验,网站上更是图文并茂,大家可以移步到那里去仔细观看。

墨西哥,1985年 Alex Webb摄影

墨西哥. 2007. 一场酒吧斗殴后的杀人现场 . Alex Webb摄影

Alex Webb 教你十招:

1. Layer your photographs

2. Fill the frame

3. Walk… a lot

“I only know how to approach a place by walking. For what does a street photographer do but walk and watch and wait and talk, and then watch and wait some more, trying to remain confident that the unexpected, the unknown, or the secret heart of the known awaits just around the corner.” – Alex Webb

4. Look for the light

5. Realize 99.9% of street photography is failure

6. Work on projects

“Most of my projects seem to start as exploratory journeys with no visible end in sight.” – Alex Webb

7. If you are stuck, try something new

8. Follow your obsession

9. Capture the emotion of a place

10. Travel


Wells  Martin Parr摄影

Melplash  Martin Parr摄影

Martin Parr教你十招

1. Focus on sets, not individual images

2. Make statements about society through your photographs

3. Be obsessive.

4. Think outside the box

5. It is rare that you take a good photo

6. Find the extraordinary in the ordinary

7. Get Close

8. Exaggerate your photographs

9. Don’t get people to smile

10. Experiment


真心不知道博客出了什么问题,中文都消失了,网上有人截了一个长微博,转过 来补充在下面吧:

Comments (10) Write a comment

  1. 這就是武俠小說中的口訣了嗎。

    Walk,watch,wait,taik.Watch and wait more…

    9. Capture the emotion of a place
    2. Make statements about society through your photographs

    9. Don’t get people to smile :p


    • 这太诡异了,明明我昨天晚上是翻译完了,然后贴出来的,但是竟然中文都没了……,是谁把中文吃掉了呢?奇怪死了。


      • 我清早看的,当时中文翻译俱在,不知为何现在成了这个样子呢。 [:Bow:]


  2. 哈哈,早上好象有一阵子不能访问这一页,所以现在没有中文翻译了。


  3. 任老师,武林秘籍可以轻易示人么? 所以系统自己吞了中文,以便欺负我们这些三脚猫英文


  4. 其实eric kim还有一些其他摄影师都在google plus上了,偶准备拍点东西后再去找人家讨教……


  5. 朋友推荐到任老师的教室里来学习,的确有很大收获。 [:Automan:]


  6. “Most of my projects seem to start as exploratory journeys with no visible end in sight.” – Alex Webb

    Alex这些建议用了几十年了 别看都好像是老生常谈 可能人人都知道 真能一一做到不容易 所以他就坚持这么建议别人 记得参加他们夫妇的工作坊是说 当开始一个项目的时候就想坐上一辆开往无尽沙漠的公车 你不知道哪里才是尽头 哪里该下车 让感觉给你指路


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